Achievementor Group LLC


Interview Help for Ambitious Top-Tier Professionals

Achievementor Group, LLC BBB Business Review

Skype Video 90 Minutes

Recommended Situation:

When in addition to your coach helping you with “what to say” you want your coach to review how you “present yourself” including your body language.


Yes, Terry! I want to have one of your selected coaches give me objective feedback and assist me to deliver a job-winning performance in my next interview.

I understand I'm signing up for private 1-on-1 coaching with the coach you will select for me.

I understand that I will be receiving:

  • 90 minute session via skype audio plus video
  • Opportunity to provide my coach my resume, target job description and additional documents
  • Personalized feedback for my situation
  • Guidance for my unique questions and concerns
  • Audio plus video file recording of my skype session for my future reference
  • $29 Value BONUS: The Hollywood Movie Method Job Winning Series Guide #1 What's Wrong With You? OR Give Me a Reason NOT to Promote or Hire You
  • $29 Value BONUS: The Hollywood Movie Method Job Winning Series Guide #2 What's Right With You? OR Help Me Decide Why I SHOULD Promote or Hire You!
  • $29 Value BONUS: The Hollywood Movie Method Job Winning Series Guide #3 Can You Convince Me You're the Best Candidate? OR Tell me a STORY! (Behavioral Interview Questions)

I also understand that you are committed to my being thrilled with the assistance I receive. This means I am also expecting to receive a later call or email from someone else in your organization. They will ask me about my experience.

With those understandings, here is my order. Please connect me with my coach so we can get going now!

Payment Details:

Item Price
Skype Video 90 Minutes $350
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Achievementor Group, LLC BBB Business Review


“Thank you so very much for all of your assistance with the interview process! Your expert advice and tips were great and really hit the nail on the head of what the company was looking for from the candidate.  I am excited to tell you that I beat out six other candidates and was offered the position! With your help, my interview was night and day from other interviews I have had in the past. Thanks again!"

Jennifer Davis

"Interview was resounding success!!...just wanted to let you know how prepared I knowing how  to...really allowed
me to pay attention to other topics of opportunity...last night I got an email with the offer!  I am grateful to you for your help."

Dr. Carlos Barrios

"I got the job at ***!...Over the past months I have interviewed for 6-9 different positions but only got 1 offer for a position I didn't want. Your help made all the difference and my wife told me to call and thank you as soon as I told her. This job is not only great for my career but also allows us to move back home to be near our family as we have wanted to do for several  years...will call you tomorrow so you can help me negotiate my salary" 

Oscar Ramos

“After working. . . to identify what makes me unique in this crowded marketplace, I . . . within the week I was in active conversations with 5 organizations. One extending an offer next week! I wasn’t getting those results when I was job searching on my own. Terry’s support has been worth much more than what I’ve paid her.”

Name withheld at client request

“No other networking group or person has been as great a resource during this difficult time. I’m finding her expertise equally beneficial as I’m now transitioning into my new job.”

Olga Spaic


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